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- Create Date September 5, 2024
- Last Updated September 5, 2024
Statement on Police Salaries and Promotion
National Police Service Commission chairperson Eliud Kinuthia CBS today held a press briefing on police salaries and promotions.
The chairperson who was flanked by commissioners; John Ole Mayaki MBS, Eusebius Laibuta MBS ,Dr.Lilian Kiamba MBS, and Edwin Cheluget welcomed the newly appointed police commanders: Acting Inspector General of Police Gilbert Masengeli and Deputy Inspector General of Kenya Police Eliud Lagat, both appointed by the President, who now join the commission as commissioners.
On the issue of police salaries, the chairperson announced an increase following a Presidential directive and the recommendations of the Maraga Taskforce Report. The basic salary for Police Constables at the entry level has risen by Ksh 4,000, from Ksh 21,645 to Ksh 25,645.
The commission has promoted 1,957 police constables between the ages of 53 and 59, who have held the same rank for over 30 years.
Promotions from the rank of Police Constable to Chief Inspector have been delegated to the Acting Inspector General, who was responsible for identifying, appraising, and recommending candidates for promotion. Based on his recommendations, the commission approved the promotion of 31 Chief Inspectors, 88 Inspectors, 24 Senior Sergeants, 98 Sergeants, 319 Corporals, and 629 Police Constables.
Additionally, the commission promoted five gazetted officers: three to Assistant Inspector General of Police, one to Senior Superintendent of Police and one to Superintendent.